Sunday, December 24, 2017

In fact, it's intimidation, not respect.
And it isn't the job of our so-called
'law enforcement' agencies to intimidate
and suppress the public. Nor to administer
lethal force on a whim.

But it isn't a coincidence that America has
suffered such an extensive assault on our
freedoms, liberty, and lives by those in 
law enforcement.

The ever-increasing violence against citizens 
perpetrated by police has been sanctioned and
instructed by those in power. How else could
cops continue murdering innocent civilians in
broad daylight--on camera--and suffer no 
repercussions whatsoever?

No, this was all preordained.
The Powers That Be can't operate in a free and
vocal society, where the public readily and eagerly
makes their voice heard and opposes the
wrong-doing of the powerful.

So rather than try and obviously subvert the 
democratic republic, the shady behind-the-scenes
folks started pushing for cops to get even more
forceful. They let it be known that there would 
be no oversight, no blow-back, no repercussions
for even the most blatant of civil rights 
infractions. They sent a message to paid thugs that
they could be let off the leash (that had only been
symbolically holding them back, anyway.)

No questions, no investigations, no punishment.
No loss of standing, loss of job, loss of pension.
Just overreach the law, ignore common sense,
violate rights, become true Judge, Jury, and
Executioner. No more bullshitting with classes
on tolerance and diversity and being better cops.
No more anger control and keeping perspective:
It's the wild, wild west, and anything goes.

Because if we fear leaving our homes, living
our lives, speaking our minds, being at a protest,
standing up for ourselves or others, or even
asking simple questions of our so-called protectors,
then we have achieved a police state, even though
one has not been officially declared.


Demanding responsible and humane policing
is not an unreasonable action.

The fact that we don't receive reasoned
and judicious treatment from those
sworn to protect us is the absurdity.

And the man in charge of the Justice
Department just publicly declared that
"The police are not the problem..."
with a straight face.

No, they're one significant aspect of the problem:
The allowances of their murderous activities
go to attitudes much higher up the food chain.


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Our Supposed Role Models Are Failing Us

There can be no valid campaign against bullying
in America until the ultimate, empowered bullies in 
law enforcement are held accountable for their crimes 
and stopped from causing further harm.

No child will ever listen to a call to 'act more humanely'
or 'take responsibility' if the community members they
are told to honor and emulate are out of control and
beyond reproach.


Saturday, November 25, 2017

Power Corrupts

Giving the absolute authority
of a badge and a gun
to a human being
reveals parts of their soul
perhaps unknown even to them.

Without sufficient instruction
and regulation, there is nothing
keeping that sleeping giant 
from fully awakening.


To 'serve and protect' whom?

Every day across this nation and
around the world, police forces are
targeting regular citizens with excessive
force, dismissiveness, unwarranted brutality,
and unregulated anger.

These are not isolated incidents, but
rather the new norm. We know more and 
more about the regularity of this
criminal behavior by those sworn to serve and 
protect, but only because of social media.

Journalism has become a discarded
artifact. Even among those agencies
still doing some good work, law enforcement is 
off limits (except when it comes to puff 
pieces about rescuing kittens, or indoctrination
messages to keep up the notion of
'dutiful, stand-up civil servants who
are beyond reproach.')

That's what happens when all your outlets 
are owned by the same folks whose
special interests are being protected
by the men and women behind the badges.


Anger Management

If there is neither a 'carrot' or a 'stick'
being used to motivate change, there
will be no change.

Human beings will generally try to
get away with whatever they are
able to, so when here are no real
repercussions for bad behavior, the
stigma against such behavior 
ceases to exist.
