Saturday, November 25, 2017

To 'serve and protect' whom?

Every day across this nation and
around the world, police forces are
targeting regular citizens with excessive
force, dismissiveness, unwarranted brutality,
and unregulated anger.

These are not isolated incidents, but
rather the new norm. We know more and 
more about the regularity of this
criminal behavior by those sworn to serve and 
protect, but only because of social media.

Journalism has become a discarded
artifact. Even among those agencies
still doing some good work, law enforcement is 
off limits (except when it comes to puff 
pieces about rescuing kittens, or indoctrination
messages to keep up the notion of
'dutiful, stand-up civil servants who
are beyond reproach.')

That's what happens when all your outlets 
are owned by the same folks whose
special interests are being protected
by the men and women behind the badges.


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